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Aim Webinar: Marijuana Legalization and Its Impacts on Trucking

As more states move toward the legalization of marijuana for medicinal and recreational use, industries are grappling with the impacts. Perhaps more than most, the trucking industry raises a near endless list of questions and concerns regarding safety, regulations and company policies.

The trucking industry already operates within a web of regulations to ensure the safety of drivers and the public. Marijuana legalization adds yet another layer of complexity to these regulations that businesses operating commercial vehicles need to contend with. For example, different jurisdictions may have varying laws regarding marijuana use, so questions arise about how to regulate and enforce usage policies consistently.

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Register today for our free webinar covering the legalization of marijuana and its impacts on the trucking industry. On Tuesday, January 23, at 10:00AM (EST), Aim Safety Manager John Rugarber will cover information you need to know to help protect your business, drivers and cargo from the risks associated with the use of marijuana and the operation of a commercial motor vehicle.

The most glaring concern of marijuana legalization and the trucking industry is the impact on road safety. Cognitive impairment brought on by marijuana usage puts the lives of truck drivers and the motorists they encounter in major jeopardy. On top of that, this also places businesses in the crosshairs of nuclear verdicts, resulting in lawsuits of millions upon millions of dollars. This makes smart, effective company policies and drug testing paramount.

Drug testing is standard—and a major—practice in the trucking industry, helping to ensure drivers are not impaired by drugs and alcohol that could compromise safety. However, the legalization of marijuana challenges traditional drug testing policies. Employers must grapple with questions about when and how to test for marijuana use, as well as determining acceptable levels of THC – the psychoactive component of marijuana – in a driver's system.

Needless to say, the continued legalization of marijuana makes an already difficult industry to navigate that much more difficult. Having a better understanding of how the legalization of marijuana has affected the industry and the regulations surrounding its usage is the first step to making company policies that will protect your business, drivers and cargo. Covering this very topic will be Aim Safety Manager John Rugarber, who will host a free webinar on The Legalization of Marijuana and Its Impacts on Trucking on Tuesday, January 23, at 10:00AM (EST). Register today!

Tags: #Aim Higher #Regulations #Aim Webinar #Safety #Government
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