Aim News

Aim Celebrates the Dog (and Cat) Days of Summer with Pet Photo Contest

Aim is excited to announce the launch of our first ever Employee Pet Photo Contest. During the month of August, we’ll be filling our Facebook and Instagram pages with our team’s furry friends to have a little fun, engage with our team members on social media, and give back to pets in need.

Aim is committed to giving back to the community and helping those in need, and that extends to our four-legged friends too! That’s why the winner will receive a $500 Visa Gift Card and an equal donation to their local Humane Society to help animals in need!

Aim employees can participate in the “Dog (and Cat) Days of Summer” contest by obtaining an Aim-branded pet bandana from their service manager, the lobby of their Aim location, or by ordering through Aim’s online Swag Shop. Participants are encouraged to take a creative photo of their pet wearing the Aim pet bandana and submit the photo along with their name, title, location, and pet’s name to by no later than August 31.

All photo submissions will be available for voting in the “Dog (and Cat) Days of Summer” Facebook album. The winner will be chosen based on number of engagements and announced on Friday, September 8.

Tags: #Aim Higher #Pet Photo Contest #Dog Days of Summer #Hot Dog Summer #Dog (and Cat) Days of Summer #Pets #Aim Culture #Fun at Work
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